Thursday, December 5, 2013

Do you agree with Michael Powell that no one has a "right" to Internet access?

Yes  I do agree with him. You can find anyone you want on Google. It's too much, you'll eventually find some sort of record on a person. If you look up yourself you'll still find information about yourself, even if you don't even stand out at all. It's not fair because if someone wanted to they could silently violate you without being tracked at all. It's also a violation of our rights because we have to deal with our personal information being out there regardless. In a sense then, you have to pray that no one will look you up and find your personal information.

1 comment:

  1. This is not necessarily true; the only personal information that is out there is what you put out there. I looked my name up, and the only things that came up were the things I had done for school that required my name on it (not having a facebook or twitter helped). Personal Information only gets out there if you put it out there, and most of that information is useless to violators. They wont be able to access anything without having some sort of important information, such as passwords or account information. The only way to access that information is with the use of hacking or viruses/spyware, both of which are avoidable and traceable.
