Thursday, December 5, 2013

2, 3, and 5 on Pg. 293

I think controls should be placed on blogs for certain blogs if any. They should be placed on blogs run by kids under 13. Controls such as the language (cursing) or pictures they project. Blogs are more focused on the younger generation the generation that works on computers. Mainly because an older lady will not learn to use blogs just to see or view them.
I do put myself out there, online I mean. The most personal info though, is my birthday. If I was to put my address online I probably wouldn't feel safe. I do take steps to protect myself from online predators, ECT. I feel like the info that is on facebook or twitter or other social media, is safe and that I don't put too much out there.
Yes, no one necessarily had the "Right" to access. It is bought though so it makes me think, It is my right. No one has the right to do anything they want online but, it is to be used as a tool or entertainment or other things. Now if you stream Wi-Fi from your neighbors you don't have any right to use it. It all depends.

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