Thursday, December 5, 2013

2,3, and 5 on Pg.293

Question 2:

        I think blogs are a great way to get the public's opinion on big matters or even small things. it gives you a second or multiple views instead of one; the media/governments. I definitely see how having blogs allows you to "distribute the power".

Question 3

        I never but personal information online. I know that anything you put online can be found and used in any way. i am very careful not to put any compromising things online. I do take steps to protect me. i always recheck what i want to say or put online before i do and if im not sure i get a second or third opinion.

Question 5

        I do not agree with micheal powell. i believe we all have the right to the internet. its a giant bank of intelligence even sites like facebook or twitter are a huge contributor into studying the ever evolving habits of humans. we all have a right to it even if not everyone or most are using it in the way it was made.

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