Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Eric S. 2,3,5

2     I believe that there should be no restrictions on a blog.  Restrictions would get in the way of every thing.  also that If you post something it is your own fault.
     If you mess up then you fail.  Sorry to say but that's life.  So don't do bad things and there will be no restrictions.  

3     I do post place's hat I'm going or I am at. Also I put other personal things on like if someone has died or if something has happened.  Things I post are there because I wouldn't care who saw it.
       The only steps I take to protect my security is to put it in my safe locked away and not on the web. If you are not sure don't put it on.  If I am not safe that is all my fault I didn't do something right.

5    Yes, I believe with Powell somewhat.  The internet has many users and they all want to know more about one another.  they will do anything to get their hands on what they can if they can.  there are ways around everything on the web, even if you think it is secure.
      Yes it is illegal to do most of this, but that will not stop people.  It is a privilege to use the web, because it isn't necessary.  So if someone wants to find you they will find you if you have even turned on a computer. :)

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