2. I feel that no controls should be put on blogs. Blogs are a freedom of expression and creativity, if someone wants to make their blog any specific way than they should be able too. Putting limits on blogs will not only limit who uses it but also who will read and view blogs. Blogs are very important in our culture because they provide a different outlet for people rather than the traditional social media websites that people use. Also, putting controls on the blogs take away from their influence because than they do not stay 100% genuine.
3. I do make personal information available online. I try to keep things that conceal more of my private information like Facebook and Instagram private because they hold a lot of personal pictures and locations of places I live near or go to regularly. Twitter however, is kind of an anonymous source for me because I don't give away a lot of personal information like my location, and age and such.
I do not trust multiple media outlets because I know they would easily sell my information in the future so I try to keep things that are very personal off of social media and such. I also know my information is easily hackable which is worrisome. I do make some, but not all, of my media outlets private where you have to request to see my stuff and I have to accept you.
5. I do agree with Michael Powell on his statement that internet is not a right, because internet is a privilege. It holds loads of information that was once not present to us therefore it is a abundance of knowledge past what one could get there hands on. Internet is also not available to everyone therefore it is not a right. How can people who don't have internet, have it be a right?
Internet is a resource that should be used sparingly and fairly. Misusing internet should have a consequence for people, which it usually doesn't, but it should. The internet is a privilege to be able to use and I wish more people understood this.
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