Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hollywood's Content Restrictions

I do think that movies need restrictions. I think that because if you have too much in one movie, then it will become way too much and eventually bore the fans from the movie. If you put the perfect amount of parts that are supposed to be thrilling, it will excite the audience and have them long for more and look forward to the scenes, which then will really excite the crowd. The rating system helps with that. I think that the current rating system is good the way it is. It helps a movie decide what kind of audience it wants, if it has no restrictions, then a lot of the crowd won't see it due to their moral decisions or by their parents. To get a big audience, a movie must fit the needs of everyone, that's why movies are commonly rated PG-13, they show the content they wanted to with releasing the unrated version. To put it simply then, if you want a bigger audience, then you need some restrictions due to moral codes.

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