Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I dont believe restrictions are really required for movies at all. If they put stuff in a movie who really cares, people will go see it and some people won't. If you don't like it then don't watch it. That's what i think.
Secondly. People pay to go see the movies they want. You know what the movie is about and what it is rated before you even go. So if people complain about the content they are just annoying because if they don't like it they don't need to go see it or read about it.


  1. Yea. That's why a lot of people don't get very many views on youtube because the movie is bad. Same with regular movies.

  2. I believe they should only have minimal restrictions. like so that they dont put nudity in a rated G movie. if they did that the entire movie industry would be screwed up.

    secondly, movie reviewers shouldnt be so uptight about swearing and violence. if people want that stuff then who cares let them watch it. so restrictions should be put to a minimum.
