Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My childhood Hero #3

My childhood hero would probably be Buzz Lightyear because he taught me to be the man in charge but to also do the best thing even if it isn't for my peers. Buzz also taught me to try hard even if it seems impossible to me; to overcome my fears only to find a warming light on the end of the tunnel. To climb the mountain only to find a breathtaking view at the top. Finding how to learn to do these things as a kid was  not the easiest, and sometimes got me in trouble. i would too much curiosity and amusement that i would get caught up in the moment (probably because I have ADHD). Being in my childhood was exhausting for my parent because I wouldn't take no for an answer. As i was told I was a bad kid but i learned a lot that made me who I am today. Buzz also taught me to be different. At all costs, don't become the mainstream human being. That to do that, meant that i was going to be ridiculed, but Buzz made me strong to make me who I am today.

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