Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How I choose the things I watch

I usually go through a specific process before I decide on watching something. First, I check if it is new or if it is a show that has already had a season or two, and if it does, is it on Netflix. Second, I check to see what said show is about. Third, I go check and see what other people have thought of the show, if they think it is bad, I will usually avoid it. Fourth, I go try to find it, wither it is on Netflix or just on cable, then I will sit down and start watching it. For movies, the process is basically the same, for videos, if it looks interesting to me I will just click on it and watch. If the video turns out to be boring, I will just shut it off and find another one. So, a lot of thoughts go in to me picking a movie or a television, but when it comes to videos, I will blindly pick one based off if it looks interesting or not.

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