Friday, January 24, 2014

Being Media Literate.

I believe I am  moderately Media Literate, I just sorta pay attention to what is being said, and if it intrigues me or if I don't think it to be true, I do some investigation. My weaknesses would be my natural ability to not care about what happens in the media as most of it a lot of stupid things, about celebrities thirsty for attention, which makes me immediately not care. My friend, Doyle, is probably the most literate with the media as he always has some information on celebrities and he is always checking to see if things are true or fake, and he knows the credibility of most things,  My parents, not so much, They don't do stuff with the media, cause the main thing that they watch which contains a lot of media is the news. (I don't even know if I'm using being Media Literate in the right context, but again, my natural ability of not caring is kicking in right now!!! So honestly, I may not be media literate at all.)

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