Thursday, January 30, 2014


There are many different TV shows and movies out there.  How do you choose which ones are worth your time? well, usually by watching a couple of minutes, you can tell if the show you are watching is good or not.  I like to channel surf to figure this out.  Other people are very specific about what they want to watch.  It all depends on the person.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

3. My hero is Isaiah Mustafa. I have liked him since I was young. His catchy rhythms always make me laugh. I chose him because he has been doing it for years and hasn't quit. I learned that you could even make a deodorant commercial funny. My favorite heroine is big bertha. I chose her because she is in the marvel comics and the great lakes avengers. She has taught me that being fat can be good.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Culture is what one acquires by their surrounding and those we live with. Culture would also have to do with the type of land where one lives. A person's culture would differ if you lived in the cities or lived in the country. also someone who lies in the mountains would have a cultural difference than someone who lived on the beach.


Dora was my childhood hero. she taught me about a different culture. She would travel and experience new things. She showed me how the Mexican culture is different from ours but in many ways we are all the same.


I choose my television programs and movies by how entertaining they are. I rarely watch a show for educational purposes. I use my television time to wind down. I do keep morals in mind when choosing what I watch.

Childhood Hero

My childhood hero was/is Jesus. I don't care what anyone else thinks about me, but he saved my life from death and he is my hero. Then when I was confirmed, he became an even bigger hero for me.


My favorite television show is Switched at Birth. It has so many clutural things in it. Everything from politics to Deaf and hearing cultures. Based on the series, it shows that it has an influence on people and their veiws on everything it highlights in it.

TV shows

I normally just watch what my parents a watching.  If people at school are talking about a show I will also check it out.  My choices aren't very thoughtful.  I choose movies the same way.  As far as videos go, I will normally watch a video about sports, or a video that just has a lot of views.  Again, I don't put much thought into my choices.

media literate

I believe I am fairly media literate.  My family is also very media literate.  They are on social media many hours of the day.  My friends are media literate as well.  They are all on their phones for quite a while every day.  One of my weaknesses in media literacy is operating a camera. 

? #9

How do I choose TV?
        I pick by finding what I like and what is the best. If there is more then one good choice I will pick the best one, or flip back and forth between the two. Normally I choose the one I have seen the least.

? #5

oral to computer literate.
      Computer is the fastest. Also the same point can get across through both. Oral is better and more understanding, but the computer is faster and more convenient.

? #3

Who were my hero?
         My hero is my grandpa.  He has tough me many life lessons and what is right form wrong.  We are alike in almost every way. He has explained to me were are culture is from and prides of being in such culture.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Critique the definition of culture given in this chapter? what would you personally add or subtract?

I would add how culture is learned and where it is learned from.  I would say how culture can come from media and that normally effects a person's interests.  It also can come from family, and that effects your traditions and beliefs. I would have gone deeper to explain this.

How did I choose which television program to watch?

I choose television through my interests of sports, comedy and action.  Each of these choices are effected by my beliefs and dis-beliefs.  Videos and movies are effected the same way and also effected by my peer's opinions.

Who was your childhood hero? Tinky Winky

My childhood hero was Tinky Winky in the show the Teletubbies.  Tinky Winky was a purple boss that ate tubby custard, which is the tastiest food in the world!  He was also cool because he showed off his TV belly that showed awesome videos.  Last but not least, he was PURPLE!!!, which isn't exactly a man color, but I thought he was boss.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Honestly I dont really watch television all that much. So if I do watch anything, I watch whatever shows my friends watch on netflix. So I guess in a way, I'm really under the influence of my friends in what I do. My choices of television are pretty good though for the most part. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

5. Consider the changes brought by the shift from oral the literate cultures.

I think that the amount of false info will increase rapidly. It is much easier to lie through a computer  or television screen than it is to lie to someones face.

9. How do you chose which television programs you watch?

I decide what I watch by scrolling through the channels until I find something that looks good. I am not very thoughtful, all I care about is that there is action in it. I chose a video by scrolling through Netflix and find something that looks interesting.

4. Critique the definition of culture given in this chapter. What would you add? Subtract?

     I would say that culture is more of a told thing than a learned thing.we didn't learn that we get our  license when we turn 16, we were told that that is when we get our license.

Heroine of mine

A person that I think is a heroine in my life is my mom. She is very motivated to be the best she can be, and she doesn't let what people say to her, influence what she does in her life. I have always been really close to my mom, and I've been able to tell her everything. She is more a friend than a mom, which is really cool because I don't worry about her judging what I do or think like some other friends that I've had in the past.
I don't know where I would be if I never had a mom like I do now.  She has influenced my life in many ways, and I think I've learned a lot about myself and how I want to be in the future.

Friday, January 24, 2014


I think that the changes as we move to a more computer literate culture will be similar to the changes when we went from an oral culture to a literate one. I feel that it will further impersonalize people yet also further connect them.

How media literate are you.

I am not that media literate because i don't watch television that much and i don't watch the news or read newspapers. My Dad is probably the most literate because he is a computer nerd.

#9 Choosing TV

I don't watch a lot of TV but, when I do I am careful of those who are around me. If my little brother is around then I won't watch something I would if I were with a group of friends. I look for input on a show before I watch it. If it has a bad review from other people than I will veer away from it.

Dominating Culture

No, I don't feel dominated. Culture is your own choice in witch you wish to believe or worship in. Or who you are, what you look like, who is in your past. But no, I don't feel dominated, our country is a melting pot, everyone is mixed in, blended in, no one is more powerful then the next, in this day and age, race and religion doesn't play a part, you may be treated by individuals differently by who, what, or how you wish to believe, or what you may look like. But all in all, We are equal, different in many ways, but equal.

Choosing television programs

I choose television shows by how interesting they sound and look cool and action pack. Most of my choices are well thought out first  because if i don't know about a show i look up how ratings are on it. I choose videos by what i like to watch and people that are funny. I choose movies by if they are action packed or have comedy. I look into the ratings of the movie and watch the trailer to see how it looks.


Everybody has/had a hero at one point in their life.  When I was a child, my main heroine was my mother.  She was always sweet, and funny, and so I always looked up at her.  My mother taught me how to be myself, because she displays that, no matter what people think.  This is a cultural lesson, because the culture always tells us to "fit in" and "be popular".  In some cases, like these, we should not follow the culture.

How media literate do you think you are?

7)  I know what is going on with the media for the majority of it, but I don't try to because the media can be so negative.  My parents know what goes on more with the political media, but not really the type of media that goes on with celebrities.  The media can be sometimes more negative than positive, I feel like this world can be affected way to much from the media, which then affects how we think and act.

September 11th

Have the events of September 11, 2001, caused you to look at your own culture differently? 
Yes, but how? It has changed a lot of things for me. For example, when I was little, I was afraid of air planes until I was 7. And my church prayed for people who lost loved ones from the twin towers. I saw people all around me crying and sending money. Even though I was young, I saw what it did to the community.

#2 9/11

I think 9/11 changed American culture because, it changed the way other countries view us. I think since the attack americans have had a more cautious presence about them because they don't want another attack to happen. Airplanes and Airports have become more security rich and are focusing more on protecting the citizens of the US.


The events of September 11 caused people to look at culture differently.  America was a safe place, that had never experienced anything like a terrorist attack like that before.  The muslims hated Americans because they represent freedom, and christianity.  This is their culture, although it is very wrong.  American culture was reassessed after 9/11, because people had to rethink what they stood for.

The changes brought by the shift from oral culture to literate culture

Some changes that could happen is that people will talk less because they don't need to talk they can just look up on the internet what is happening in the world. This will destroy oral culture and people could become antisocial, which would be bad for everyone.

Being Media Literate.

I believe I am  moderately Media Literate, I just sorta pay attention to what is being said, and if it intrigues me or if I don't think it to be true, I do some investigation. My weaknesses would be my natural ability to not care about what happens in the media as most of it a lot of stupid things, about celebrities thirsty for attention, which makes me immediately not care. My friend, Doyle, is probably the most literate with the media as he always has some information on celebrities and he is always checking to see if things are true or fake, and he knows the credibility of most things,  My parents, not so much, They don't do stuff with the media, cause the main thing that they watch which contains a lot of media is the news. (I don't even know if I'm using being Media Literate in the right context, but again, my natural ability of not caring is kicking in right now!!! So honestly, I may not be media literate at all.)

Who are my childhood heroes?

3) My childhood hero is my mom.  I always feel like I can tell anything to my mom, my mom can help me with any situation that life throws at me.  My mom has been the one to keep me going, I can give her a lot of sass, I can get mad at her when she is trying to help me, but I know she is doing what is best for me.  I have become a stronger and wiser person because of my mom.

critique the definition of culture

4. I feel that culture is more about what the society feels as important and the way we act. I think it is less about the way we think and how we see the world.

TV Shows! and movies.

I choose what TV shows I want to watch if they interest me. Just like people watch Dr. Who, Breaking Bad, and Downton Abbey. I like to watch shows like Criminal Minds, The Middle, Attack On Titan. To some, they don't seem thoughtful, but to me, I carefully chose them because they are really intriguing, and they are always fun to watch! I barely watch movies, so I just watch whatever either my family wants to watch, or my friends. My friends choices may not be the best movie to watch, and when that's the case, I just zone out of the movie and I don't really care for it because 90% of the time, their movies are stupid! My thoughts barely count as I just watch what I like from what my siblings or friends have shown me, or what people recommend me.

#3 Who is your childhood hero?

My childhood heroes are my parents.  They show me many different things and teach me many life lessons. I chose them because many people don't have a good bond with their parents but, I love mine and couldn't imagine life without them. Even though I don't always see the good in what they do in the future I will be thankful for their love and support.

Bounded Culture Inhibition

In my bounded culture, I sometimes feel inhibited as I feel like I have to go by the guidelines and do what my peers feel like is funny, even though it may be wrong. When I do  disobey them, they get angry with me. Which is totally fine by me. As of recently I feel, likeeeeee..... Breaking out of the inhibition by the bounded culture, by doing what I want to do and acting as my own. I do not feel inhibited by the dominant culture because, our dominant culture today, sucks.. Almost everyone seems to be doing what seems socially acceptable even though it isn't, and that's not how I am. I LIKE TO BE WHO I AM!!!! AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE THAT!!!!!! FOR I. AM. INDEPENDENT!!!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Question 9.) TV shows

I choose tv shows and movies based on what I think will entertain me and keep me excited to see more.  I usually make thoughtful choices depending on who is around me and if they would enjoy the same thing as me.

Childhood hero's

My childhood hero would have to be Snow white, She would be my hero because she showed me how to care for others. She took care of the dwarfs even though they where mean to her at first and she kept helping them out! I really always have looked up to her because no matter what she did every thing that was asked. also she was very loving, and caring. 

My Childhood Hero

My childhood hero was not anyone famous, it was my cousin Denae. I have always looked up to her because she is very smart, funny, pretty, and AMAZING at volleyball. She always finds the good in everything and uplifts everyone around her.

How media literate am I?

I think I am very media literate and all my friends around me. My parents aren't that media literate but they now the basics, it's more the smart phones they don't know how to use. I think it is very important to be media literate now because technology and media is only going to get bigger and more popular.

Choosing T.V. Shows

I choose my tv shows and movies by my personal values. When I choose tv shows. I tend to watch reality and criminal fiction shows. I like to watch The Bachelor, American idol, Pretty Little Liars, Person of Interest, and Criminal Minds. As for movies I like animated movies such as Frozen, Despicable me, but I also like Action Movies Thor, and World War Z. I do not like Horror or comedy movies. 

Television Shows

I choose the television programs I watch by getting reviews from family and friends. Also, by how interesting it looks on the commercial. I think video's and movies are pretty much the same. I would like to say that I don't watch a lot

? # 9

I choose television programs by getting refers by my family and friends. I try not to watch the "bad for you" shows, or the dumb reality shows. However, with movies, I like to be random and try ones that I have never seen before. I know I shouldn't, but I judge movies by their cover...

Television Shows

I choose television shows very wisely. I normally get reviews from family and friends whether to watch it or not. Also, if I see the show online on a social media website or commercial it gets me a idea what to watch. I think about if I should watch the shows or movies before I watch it. Personally, I don't like watching action or horror movie and I try to stay away from those because I don't enjoy them that much. 

My childhood Hero #3

My childhood hero would probably be Buzz Lightyear because he taught me to be the man in charge but to also do the best thing even if it isn't for my peers. Buzz also taught me to try hard even if it seems impossible to me; to overcome my fears only to find a warming light on the end of the tunnel. To climb the mountain only to find a breathtaking view at the top. Finding how to learn to do these things as a kid was  not the easiest, and sometimes got me in trouble. i would too much curiosity and amusement that i would get caught up in the moment (probably because I have ADHD). Being in my childhood was exhausting for my parent because I wouldn't take no for an answer. As i was told I was a bad kid but i learned a lot that made me who I am today. Buzz also taught me to be different. At all costs, don't become the mainstream human being. That to do that, meant that i was going to be ridiculed, but Buzz made me strong to make me who I am today.

Choosing T.V. Shows

When I choose tv shows and movies I usually tend to veer towards reality and criminal fiction. My favorite tv shows include The Bachelor, NCIS, CSI Miami, Duck Dynasty, and American Idol. Since there aren't that many criminal fiction movies I like comedies like Happy Gilmore. I don't like to watch horror or animated movies and shows. 

My TV Choices

What I usually watch on TV is what I enjoy watching or thing that interest me. Many shows about building things or like MythBusters or some comedies like Gabriel Iglesias or Happy Gilmore or Kevin Hart. A lot of shows that I'm forced to watch because we only have two TVs in our house are The Voice and America's Got Talent.

Media Literacy

I think I am media literate. I stay up date with a lot of the new technology and such. My dad especially is media literate because he works with technology daily, so he really enjoys working with all that. My mom on the other  hand is not because she has better things to do in her life so she isn't really "up to date", I normally have to help her with that. A weakness of mine is working cameras and such. Although, I am getting better because I have to work with them for Yearbook.

My Definition of Culture

I think that culture doesn't solely rely on what people like to read or to watch. I think that other factors like ethics, communities, and environment play a huge role in what people do. People won't take part in something that they don't believe to be right; ethics. What our friends and family like can affect our views on something; communities. And finally, what life is like around us can make us look at things differently; environment.

- Jennifer Cralley
How I choose what to watch on t.v is by deciding what i'm interested in watching. I don't ever just pick a show for no reason. I am very thoughtful when it comes to picking a show or movie. For example if I hate scary movies I am going to try to avoid those channels/movies. If I love comedy I will focus on trying to find shows/movies about comedy. I usually pick comedy's or reality shows.
My childhood hero has always been Demi Lovato. My best friend and I have always loved here, I chose Demi to be my hero because she is a great inspiration and a fantastic person. Demi has influenced me in many ways to be a better person. She has made me more understanding for people around me and that no one is perfect. A cultural lesson that I have learned from Demi is that I need to be kind to every single person I meet no matter what background they come from.
I liked that the definition of culture was given as "learned behavior". I would also say that culture isn't really a behavior. It is just the way that people do things. I liked how it said that nothing is free from cultural influences. I would say that culture is learned from the people around us, and it becomes more and more ingrained in us as we grow older.

Similarities and differences of oral and literature cultures.

I think in this day and age that us now, and people in the future, will resort to all forms of electronic ways of communication. I personally do not think this will be beneficial to the future. People need face to face interaction in their lives because it expresses their personality and makes them grow as a person. Technology is not necessarily a bad thing. We as people need technology to grow as a society, but being completely immersed in it may diminish social skills and the drive to do things in life.

How I choose the things I watch

I usually go through a specific process before I decide on watching something. First, I check if it is new or if it is a show that has already had a season or two, and if it does, is it on Netflix. Second, I check to see what said show is about. Third, I go check and see what other people have thought of the show, if they think it is bad, I will usually avoid it. Fourth, I go try to find it, wither it is on Netflix or just on cable, then I will sit down and start watching it. For movies, the process is basically the same, for videos, if it looks interesting to me I will just click on it and watch. If the video turns out to be boring, I will just shut it off and find another one. So, a lot of thoughts go in to me picking a movie or a television, but when it comes to videos, I will blindly pick one based off if it looks interesting or not.

childhood heroes

My childhood hero was superman.  I chose him because he was strong, fast, and freakin awesome.  He always did the right thing.  Normally the right thing was kickin butt and takin names.  Superman taught me to do whats right.

Media Content with Multiple Use

I have a laptop at home. Normally, laptops are used for the purpose of surfing the web. But, I don't only use it just for that purpose. I downloaded Netflix also on my computer, so I can also watch it everywhere I go. I use my laptop as a camera as well. Whenever I take pictures with friends we use my computer, so we can quickly download it to the internet. My laptop also serves the purpose of a webcam. It's built in so I can Skype and Oovoo my friends whenever I want. 

Maddie Hays

Questions for critical thinking and discussion Question # 1

I would say that I do not feel that inhibited by my bound culture. I don't exactly fit in with a certain group I kinda have to work to fit in to any of the bound cultures that I encounter. So more or less I am a  misfit. I do not feel inhibited by the dominant culture either because I don't watch TV and I don't keep up with half of the stuff that other people do. I listen to music of my liking, usually not what is popular at the time. The only way I could say that I fit in is that I dress to fit in but that is still not a great example because I don't usually wear the latest styles.


Television programs I choose to watch are based on the type of advertising/how much I know about a show. My choices for TV shows are usually not very thoughtful, if something looks interesting I will decide to watch it (if I have time). Videos and movies I choose to watch are also based on advertising and if I'm interested in the movie or what the movie's purpose is. Nowadays videos and movies are not watched for their quality but more for the hype. For example, Bad Grandpa was a movie made by the creators of movies about ridiculous stunts and pranks, lots of these pranks and stunts are gruesome and disgusting.  Lots of hype was made for the movie which caused the audience to be large, even though the quality of the movie itself was not very high.

Jordan Marschke

Question 7.) How Media Literate Are You?

Being Media Literate might not be just a hobby, but it might also be a lifestyle.  I think that all people are somewhat media literate because we were born to be curious about the world.  We want to know what other people do or think just to try and relate and/or be like them to fit into society.


I do not feel inhibited by bounded culture. Sometimes I get to a point where I feel left out of it but not inhibited. I sometimes feel inhibited by dominant culture. I sometimes do because I do not really like the shows or music that other people like. I am happy being different and not being with the norm.
How Literate am I?:
I believe i am very literate, you see news on al the newest technology all the time so its hard not to be. My parents (on the other hand) are not, they prefer very basic things. Older generations believe our generations has to much technology.

Link Was My Childhood Hero

Link from The Legend of Zelda series is my childhood hero. He taught me to have courage and to fight for what I believe is right. He taught me that if I am kind to others, they will be kind to me. He taught me that I should not abuse animals, such as chickens. I also learned that you sometimes have to work hard to accomplish something, but the satisfaction you get in doing it is worth while. That is how Link influenced me.

- Jennifer Cralley

My Childhood Hero

Growing up I didn't have a childhood hero, I somewhat looked up to random people like NHL players or inventors or people that enjoyed the same things that I did.  Most of the time I would just find myself always competing for the best because thats what I would be compared to.

Television & Movies

I choose my television shows and movies based on what my friends recommend. My friends and I normally share the same interests in television shows. I also like to choose based off of whats popular. The way I decide my movies is I look for any action movie first. Action is my favorite genre of movies, so I'm never disappointed. I also look for famous actors and actresses that are playing a role in the movie. 

Maddie Hays
#1. I Don't really feel inhibited by culture. Sometimes I feel left out of things, but never really inhibited. I'm not afraid to be different, and to be my own person. Isn't diversity the spice of life? I think if everyone got too into the culture around them, the world would be a very boring place with same minded people.

What was a childhood hero of yours?

I have a couple of childhood heroes. I have the obvious super heroes like Batman and Superman. Then I also found heroes in some sport stars like Joe Mauer or Johan Santana. I choose these as my heroes because they were every thing I wanted to be. They were brave, strong, athletic, and talented. From them, I learned what our culture thinks we should be. They think we should be strong, smart, and kind. They think that we should go out of our way to do what is best for others, and that we should work hard to finally achieve our goals. Sure, not every person is perfect and very few live up to these expectations, but our society wants us to and that is why these characters were created and idealized. They symbolize everything that we should want to be and what many have failed to become.

Questions for critical thinking and discussion question # 3

My childhood heroes would of been my Dad and my Grandpa. They both taught me discipline and how to present myself in front of others. My dad taught me how to do well in school and how to do things around the house. My grandpa taught me how to fish, build things using a hammer, and how to  get through life when it is rough. The have also taught me many other cultural lessons. First the taught me how to read and how to enjoy books. They (my grandpa in particular) helped me have a mature sense of humor so that I understand a joke when I hear one. The both have high expectations for me that I have to try to reach.

Living Under a Rock

I feel like consumers of the dominant culture are always judging me for taking more interest in my bounded culture. Some people think that I live under a rock because I don't use the same type of media as they do. I feel that everyone having an individual interest is more unique than taking a liking to mainstream stuff.

- Jennifer Cralley

How do you choose what you watch?

After I see a commercial for a television show I debate whether or not I would like that show. Normally any comedy show, I would choose to watch it. I would not think into depth about a decision of what to watch, I would just wing it and see if I like it. Movies are a completely different decision for me. When I see commercials for a new movie coming out, I will decide whether it's worth my money or not. Movies are expensive these days and I would rather not waste it. Commercials show a lot about what people will be consumed in and the easiest way to get people interested.

Question 1.) Bounded Culture

We do have the choice of making our own decisions in our culture, but it's not as easy as it seems.  The dominant culture is what gets most people making the same decisions.
What I watch:
I always choose the stations playing the biggest sports game at the moment. If the vikings are playing i quickly choose another. Also depending on which channel is playing the most commercials.

My Childhood Hero

My childhood hero was Spiderman. As a kid, it was the only action movie I was aloud to watch. I loved the idea to see an ordinary person become a hero. Spiderman was a hero to me because he wasn't perfect all the time. In the beginning, he sought out revenge to find the man who killed his father. He later realized that it is more important to fight bad guys in general and to help others.

Maddie Hays

 Oral to Literate:
As we move from oral to literate cultures stories spread more quickly. Before computers and T.V.'s it took an extremely long time for a message to be sent. Also stories will reach more people and be more accurate.

Are you media literate?

I would like to think that I am very media literate, especially when it comes to certain types of media like movies or video games. For example, I can usually tell when a character is about to die or when someone will come in and save the day. I think my mom is also very media literate and my dad is kind of media literate. A weakness is I still usually fall for the normal cliches in said movies or video games and if I do point out the cliches, I usually have less fun while watching a movie or playing a game.