Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Are you proud of your book-reading habits? why or why not? This chapter mentioned someone named Martin Twain. Who is this?

      I am not proud of my reading habits. Because I think if I put my self into it I could read more. I am just not interested in reading. I usually read books that capture my attention and they have to be really good books for me to be into them but you don't always find those kinds of books. So I think I could spend more time on reading.
      Martin  Twain is a popular american author. He wrote The adventures of Tom Sawyer and The adventures of Huckleberry Finn.


  1. I could probably read more too.

  2. I feel the same way. I think I could read more.

    1. Anybody can read more, although I would suggest audio books, as I find such books more immersive. It can also help with long confusing words that some people have trouble sounding out.

  3. I feel the same way. I think I could read more.

  4. I could read more but I just don't
