Thursday, May 1, 2014

book questions 2, 3, and 5

2.    I think that there should be controls on who blogs. Professional people should be able to blog because they know what they are talking about. Amateurs should not be allowed to blog.
       I definetly see it as a way of distributing power to the people. It gives the public a way to make themselves to look professional even if they aren't. 
3.    For me, I put my nickname down as my name on social media sites. I also NEVER say where I live or what my last name is, and I never say where I go to school. If I did put my name and address in the internet I would not be very confident in the security of that.
       I take many steps in protecting my privacy. As I said before, I never tell anyone where I live or where I go to school. I never tell anyone my phone number unless I know the person personally.
5.    No I do not agree with Michael Powell. Everyone can access the internet if they want. It is a good way to say we all need to share. Granted there are people who should never have access to the internet, but we can't help that. There will be people like that. So what? We can't help that those people will be crazy. We just have to deal with it.
       I also think that everyone has a "right" to the internet because that is the way most of the world works now. Everyone runs on the internet. School, social sites, music, and government. That is where a lot of important documents and papers are. All in the memory of the internet. Yeah sure everyone can see them, but then we all know that they can't change what they say. 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Book Questions 2,3,and 5

2. I think controls should be placed on blogs. I think this because blogs are not always right and some times tell false information to its audience. I don't see them as a away of distributing power.
I don't see this because people that blog are not controlling the people who choose to view the blog. It isn't controlling media outlets either because blogs are powerless.

3. I have not made y personal information available online. But websites that I have been on and I have had to sign up or register have put my personal information on there. Once your up there is never coming back down. You can just google your name and if your are well known in the community your info will probably show up.

I do not take steps to protect my privacy because I do not put my contact information on social media websites. I do not see why I really would want to take the steps to be safe if I already know better not to.

5. I agree with Michael Powell that no one has a right to internet access. I agree with him because people use the internet in the wrong way. Taking away that right eliminates cyber bullying and other controversies. People that are sick of these will probably be on this mans side.

Questions 2, 3, and 4

2.) I think there should be a limit on what people can say on blogs. That's because the things people may say could hurt an ethnic group or even just a group of people. I think it would be really hard to implement that because all things can be taken a different way especially online. I just wish they would take blogging of the internet sometimes because some people join them to make fun of or to hurt someone.
I feel it does give to much power to people who don't deserve it. That's because a lot of people abuse the internet as a way to "cyber bullying" sometimes people don't even know each other and just assume that they are bad and post/ blog bad things about the other. Which in the end causes unneeded conflict.
3.) I think when I first had my Facebook, for about a year I didn't have it secured. That was because I was basically sheltered in going to a private catholic school. This didn't changed until I was in 7th grade when we had a lady in for internet safety. This kind of showed me how unsafe I was being online unsecure and adding friends I didn't know. So now I add people who I know and my profile is locked to only my friends and nobody else.
The steps I take for protecting my profile for Facebook is to go to the settings and change it to "only friends" for who can see my profile. Then I make sure not to show where I go to school. Finally I try not to have my profile picture have and spectrum apparel in it.
4.) I think that the internet has damaged our society as far as being able to think on our own. This is because if we have a question we just go and Google it, instead of taking the time to look through a book and problem solve with what it's saying. Were the generation of now and in my opinion that means we need all the answers in a small amount of time or else we will give up on it.
Politically, speaking I think it's helped because if you look someone up that's in the running for office of any kind; you will find almost all of their past. Which is scary because if they had one slip up when they were young that could jeopardize their whole campaign. On the flip side they could have a clean record, but just be a rotten person and lie.


       I don't agree. We could never tell some one they can't use the internet. Internet is such a big thing in this world. It would be almost impossible to cause businesses use it and kids use it for school.
       We live in a free county so you can't really do that. we all have the right to use what we want. If we were never allowed to use it it would be one thing but now that we all use it so much you couldn't take it away.



      Yes I have. I try really hard not to but sometimes I do. I try not to post things on my Facebook with names of places I'm at and shirts with names on it. I do not think it is a good idea though.
       I am not confident at all that my stuff is safe. I am always think about he can see my stuff. I always put my stuff to private. I don't put numbers or address on those site either.


Discussion Questions #'s Dos, Tres, y Cinco!

2). I believe controls should be placed on blogs. What kind of controls though? These controls should include a limit of how much can said, but I believe there should be slight restrictions of what can be said, even though there is freedom of speech. A reason for the slight restrictions of what can be said, would stop people from posting things such as the bad things they're going to do to our country, government, or they plan to "Attack" if anything. We don't want people going online and proclaiming these kinds of things or there would be widespread panic across our country from threats that would be being posted. That's one kind of restriction I would want on blogs.

I do see them as distributing power in the culture such as, if a lot of people join a certain organization online or follow someone's blog that is a very outspoken person and if a lot of people agree with him or her. These people could quickly rise in numbers and a lot of power could be distributed among these people mainly because if there's a lot of people following one thing, there's going to be a lot of power there.

3). I do not post much private information online. All I really have is general information like my Birthday, that's about it. I do not feel comfortable with the security, but I do sort of trust it enough. I know most people feel really confident in their security and think they're totally safe from everything, even though they most definitely aren't safe from predators and people looking to steal information.

People these days feel all to comfortable with leaving their private information unprotected, they don't understand the real dangers that lurk out there, and they don't realize how many people are looking to find easy information to steal, cause they believe "Oh it won't happen to me." when in all reality, It can happen to them, as easily as it happens to other people.

5). I have to agree. The internet is most definitely not a right, it is a PRIVILEGE! It's not fair if someone is allowed to use the internet and abuse it, so therefore, they shouldn't be privileged to use the internet. It's hard for the internet to be a right because.. Then it seems like it's saying "Hey!! This is the internet! Everyone can use it for their own purpose whether or not people use it to destroy other people's lives. And the best thing? No one will care cause they can't take your rights away!" As if it's more so a privilege, the internet can be taken away from people because of it's misuse.

The internet is also a large place to get any kind of information that people want to learn.This is a privilege to be able to post all of this information

PG. 293 Numbers 2 3 and 5

2) There should be no restrictions on blogs. There should be a soft ware that goes and deletes spam blogs, that could be a control if you wanted. You could have a report as spam button that does the soft ware.

I do not like the number of blogs that give advice but is from a random person who could have no knowledge of the subject they are advising on. this could cause people unneeded health problems or death, and we need to stop that. I think the report spam button is a way of distributing power,yes, every one has the power to report a person.


3) I have put my name online and my age and the town I live in a Facebook, I think it will stay relatively safe. My page is protected so not everyone can see it so there fore only people I want to see the information can see it. I know that if someone really wanted it they could easily get it but that doesn't worry me much.

I protect all my social media pages with the request option. I find that it works pretty well, I have yet to get attacked so until that happens I will leave it up.


5) I agree in a way. Nobody has the right, but short of removing the internet from the country it would be extremely hard to stop any one from using it. this is because of the number of public  places that you can go and use the internet, weather it is free or for a charge.

Keeping one person off would not be that hard, but keeping 1000 people would be rather hard since you can not watch all of them at one time. for this reason I think that no body has the right, but any one can have it because of the numerous ways to access the internet.

~Camden Goepferd